Hi Pup Peeps
Ethan here from Kids’ Pet Club with some Dog Jokes for Kids to make you laugh.

I have been staying at home for a few months.
It has been scary and boring at times.
I really miss laughing and joking around with my friends.
I LOVE jokes – I found some super funny dog jokes for kids and even made up one or two myself.
Hopefully they make you laugh too.
Here are my Favorite Dog Jokes
- What do you get if you cross a Pug with a Pizza? A Puggeroni pizza
- What do dogs have in the morning? Barkfest.
- What dog keeps the best time? A watch dog
- What happens to the dog sitting next to the fire? He becomes a hot dog
- Why did the dalmation go to the doctor? He was seeing spots.
- What type of dog needs a sweater? A chilli dog.
Do you have any good ones?