Pet Pal Avalie Loves Cats
Name: Avalie
Age: 5
Pets: Cats
Pet Names: Oliver, Theo and Fern are only 3 of Avalie’s many cats!
Future job: Cat Exhibitor
Hobbies and interests?
Avalie looooves cat shows! She started going to them when she was just 18 months old. By the time she was 2 she knew the cat breeds that her and her family have and could tell anyone that “Oliver is a Singapura and Theo is a Bengal”. In the last couple years, she’s really shown more interest in the whole cat show process and loves everything about it from staying in a hotel to picking out cat fashion clothes to wear to watching the cats being judged and everything in between.
Why are you a Pet Pal?
Avalie wants to share her knowledge of cats and the kind of care they need with other kids so they can find the fun in it like she has. At only 5 years old Avalie is our youngest pet pal, but that just makes her passion even more impressive.